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Friday, September 22, 2006

It turned out his name was Danny Flores? I always thought his real name was Chuck Rio. O Carlos Río. Rest in peace, dance master.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. - Danny Flores, who played the saxophone and shouted the word "tequila!" in the 1950s hit song "Tequila!", has died. He was 77.

Flores, who lived in Westminster, died Tuesday at Huntington Beach Hospital, said hospital spokeswoman Kathleen Curran. He died of complications from pneumonia, the Long Beach Press-Telegram reported.

The man sometimes called the "godfather of Latin rock" was born in Santa Paula but grew up in Long Beach. By age 5 he was playing guitar in church and at 14 he was a member of a trio that performed Mexican music.

In 1957, Flores was in a group that recorded some work with rockabilly singer Dave Burgess. ne of the songs was based on a nameless riff Flores had written. He played the "dirty" saxophone part and repeatedly growled the single-word lyric: "Tequila!" he next year it appeared as the B-side of a single, credited to the Champs. Flores used the name Chuck Rio because he was under contract to a different record label. "Tequila!" went to No. 1 on the Billboard chart and won a Grammy in 1959 for best rhythm and blues performance. Flores continued to play it for the next 40 years.

"I can honestly tell you he never got tired of playing that song," said his wife, Sharee.

The song has been used in numerous commercials and TV shows. It became popular with a new generation after it was used in the 1985 movie "Pee Wee's Big Adventure."

"After that, we got shows all over the U.S.," said Mrs. Flores, who sang in the shows. "All these younger people who hadn't heard it were suddenly in love with the song. Danny was just so proud of it." Besides his wife, Flores is survived by seven children from previous marriages and 15 grandchildren.

Friday, September 15, 2006

An interesting prediction of the future. Curiously, I don't see anything weird on this. In english with spanish subtitles:

Una predicción interesante del futuro que, curiosamente, no tiene nada de trillada. En inglés con subtítulos en español:


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mi compadre Lucho Soto me dice que se viene un festivalón más Beatle que la patada. Aquí está el afiche para la mancha.

Y aquí un video para la gallada, cortesía de CacaoRock:

Monday, September 11, 2006

Most likely what I wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle's Two Cents section won't be published, therefore I will post it here in my blog. Everytime they asked me about where was I on the morning of September 11, 2001, I responded the same way.

I was in Los Angeles, living at a student’s Co-op next to UCLA. I can remember September 10, a Monday. I went to an office and I was waiting for at least two hours for an appointment. In the meantime, I was watching CNN. Fox and Bush just had a meeting and they were discussing the main problem of the U.S. at that time: too many illegal immigrants. Something has to be done with too many mexicans crossing the border. That was the main problem U.S was facing then. No word of muslim terrorists, and the freedom of bringing nailclippers and vaseline on a plane.

On the eve of September 11, 2001 I went out with a girl from Russia and we were talking about how great was to be in United States and enjoy this freedom and good times. Before I went to sleep, I read my copy of Alan Moore’s Watchmen for the umptenth time and fell asleep. The last chapter of the series features a catastrophic alien attack in New York, killing half of the population.

My roomate woke me up at 6:30 AM. He was working at the dorm’s kitchen and he told me “Wake up, Javier, it’s World War III! Two planes have destroyed the World Trade Center and attacked the Pentagon!” the very first thing I thought was an attack of war planes like F-16’s or MIG’s. As I was getting up and going to the TV room, the information was arriving really, really fast. I remembered one of the students who lived there had her mother working at the World Trade Center, and like an hour later, I asked him, Is your mom OK? And he shoved me, yelling and calling me bastard. He thought I asked him if the communists did it or not. Her mother didn’t go to work on that day. One of the students there was from Lebanon and his words were hair-raising: This is what they get for helping Israel. I thought he was talking non-sense. I thought that the attacks were too perfect to be perpetrated by religious fanatics. I thought of the Colombian Guerrillas and maybe, maybe, an inside attack from renegade U.S. army members wanting to overthrow the new president, George W. Bush.

The weather was beautiful on that awful morning. Not a single plane in the sky. News were arriving from Downtown LA where most buildings were evacuated. After having breakfast with an american guy, I realized: This is gonna be big. So big I can’t even think how is it going to affect the World.

It started affecting us little by little. Words we never heard before started popping up in the news, the conversations, our life in general. Al Qaeda, Taliban, Afghanistan, Tora Bora, Terror Alerts, War. Again. As an old man said on a Tower Records store on that day… once again, they caught us with our pants down.

Of course they did. One of those funny tabloids you see at the grocery store was already blaming Saddam Hussein and Irak for the attacks. I compared that headline like blaming Bigfoot or the UFO that crashed in Roswell, NM. Again, I tried to predict how big the changes would be for this country. But I couldn’t. I had to see it.

I went to the UCLA Events office, where I used to work, and everybody was quiet. No jokes, no smiles, no more fun. What happened in New York was the equivalent of the end of innocence for America. I asked, again, if there was anybody with family in New York. For some reason, I felt I was being looked like a potential danger. I stopped working there less than a month later.

Everything changed radically from then on. Something called Homeland Security was invented, even tho I thought something like that already existed. It turned out the terrorists were here in the country legally, and they were getting ready to attack by training in Florida.

If you don’t move on, 9/11 traps you and fills your brain with paranoia and fear, which is what lots of people want us to have so they can control us either economically or emotionally. Sell us security, a bottle of soda, or offer us a discount in a Timeshare. To use tragedy as a way to get benefits from the people is the wrongest thing this terrorist attack has caused here. Five years from that date, we have learned so much about the world and the intrincated game of chess we all play, but some of us are still feeling fear.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Otro articulo aparecido en el Diario La Republica de Peru. Angel Paez realmente sabe de lo que escribe y estoy muy contento de poner sus articulos en mi blog, con o sin su autorizacion.

Pink Floyd Back Catalog: Atom Heart Mother, Relics, Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, The Wall, Animals.

Tocadisco. Pink Floyd, el lado oscuro de la banda que no sabe morir

La salida de Roger Waters de Pink Floyd, en 1986, parecía el final de la banda. Pero en 1994, el sucesor David Gilmour ofreció un espectacular concierto, Pulse, que revivió al grupo. Sin embargo, se tomó 12 años para lanzar una versión de cuatro horas en DVD de esa histórica presentación.

Por Ángel Páez.

Es una ironía que David Gilmour sea el encargado de mantener vivo el legado de Pink Floyd. Se sumó a la banda en diciembre de 1967, dos años después de la fundación del grupo y a cuatro meses del lanzamiento del álbum debut, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, para reemplazar al genial Syd Barrett cada vez que el ácido lisérgico lo incapacitaba para pronunciar una sola palabra. Luego de un concierto, el baterista Nick Mason se acercó a Gilmour y le preguntó a quemarropa: "¿Qué es lo que responderías si pensamos decirte que te unas a nosotros?". Gilmour pronunció el monosílabo que había soñado emitir cuando llegara el improbable día: "Sí". Pero la propuesta formal se la hizo su amigo Roger Waters al mes siguiente. Muy poco después, y a pesar que colaboró en el segundo título, A Saucerful of Secrets (1968), Gilmour, un tipo perfeccionista hasta el delirio y propietario de un ego superdotado, tropezó con el carácter de Waters, otro individuo perfeccionista hasta el delirio y propietario de un ego superdotado.
Gilmour regresó pero el matrimonio se mantuvo solo por conveniencia, luego que ambos se percataron que uno se necesitaba al otro únicamente para componer álbumes memorables. Todavía es un enigma irresuelto cómo hicieron para respirar el mismo aire, pero es consenso que los irreconciliables, juntos, fueron una fábrica de clásicos: Ummagumma (1969), Atom Heart Mother (1970), Meddle (1971), Dark Side of the Moon (1973) y Wish You Were Here (1975). A partir de entonces, en los siguientes álbumes, Waters redujo la presencia de Gilmour a la mínima expresión. Quiso forzar su salida aburriéndolo: en Animals (1977), todos los temas son de Waters excepto uno escrito con Gilmour; en TheWall (1979), de las 28 canciones, 26 le pertenecen a Waters y en solo dos aparece Gilmour como coautor; y en The Final Cut (1985), los 12 temas están registrados a nombre de Roger Waters. La situación derivó en insoportable.

Al año siguiente, como no pudo expulsar a Gilmour por hartazago, Waters anunció la defunción de Pink Floyd como consecuencia de su retiro de la banda. A continuación, presentó ante los tribunales una demanda para que sus ex compañeros David Gilmour, Nick Mason y Richard Wright no usaran jamás el nombre del grupo. Waters no solo perdió ante la justicia sino que Pink Floyd le sobrevivió y goza hasta hoy de excelente salud. No pudo matar a la criatura que él contribuyó a dotar de vida. Si deseaba hacerlo, para desgracia de su autoestima, debía contar con la ayuda de Gilmour. Y Gilmour no estaba dispuesto a darle ese gusto a su rival. El 23 de diciembre de 1987 se juntaron en el hotel Astoria y se divorciaron. Waters jamás volvió a reclamar por el nombre de Pink Floyd.

Gilmour, Mason y Wright, inteligentemente, prefirieron dedicarse a la reproducción de altísima fidelidad de lo que habían grabado con su ex compañero Waters antes de experimentar proyectos con semejante ausencia. Esto explica por qué en veinte años, desde la separación de Waters, Pink Floyd solo circuló dos títulos con nuevos temas: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987) y The Division Bell (1994), que sacudió al mundo porque el grupo inglés salía con ímpetu de un largo periodo de oscuridad y desvarío. Simultáneamente, ese año el trío presentó un espectacular concierto en vivo con sus grandes temas, Pulse, que es imposible disfrutar si se separa la música del montaje visual. Pero Gilmour se tomó 12 años antes de aprobar la versión en DVD de cuatro horas de duración, que por fin provee los vídeos completos que se exhibieron durante el significativo concierto en el Earls Court de Londres, en 1994. En cuatro horas de duración, la nueva edición de Pulse (2006) incluye 145 minutos de la presentación en directo con imágenes que no estaban disponibles. Incluso Gilmour se atrevió a insertar imágenes piratas que algunos asistentes captaron del espectáculo. Una joya que representa la mejor entrega de Pink Floyd en 25 años.

A Saucerful Of Secrets (Harvest, 1968)

El dos de julio de 2005, con motivo del superconcierto Live 8, a pesar de la insistente oposición de Gilmour, este y sus compañeros Mason y Wright se juntaron con Waters. Como efecto del histórico reencuentro, las ventas del último disco compilatorio del grupo, Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd (2001), se elevaron al 1,343 por ciento. Pero la posibilidad de que graben un nuevo disco, es una en un millón.
Competir o morir
David Gilmour también conspiró para impulsar a Waters a desertar de Pink Floyd. Después de la grabación de Animals (1977), y cuando Waters estaba frenéticamente dedicado a la composición del siguiente disco, The Wall (1979), Gilmour se estrenó como solista con un disco llamado simplemente David Gilmour (1978). A Waters no le importó: después de todo, el triunfo de The Wall no le daba tiempo para enfrascarse en peleas cainitas.
Sin embargo, cuando encontraban la oportunidad, se petardeaban. En 1984, al año siguiente de la publicación del que sería el último disco de Gilmour y Waters como Pink Floyd, The Final Cut (1983), el primero entregó en marzo su segundo solitario, About Face, adelantándose a Waters que dos meses después debutó como solista con The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking. La pelea continúa hasta hoy.
Roger Waters publicó Radio K.A.O.S. (1987), Amused to Death (1992) y la ópera Ça Ira (2005). Mientras que su antípoda Gilmour esperó 22 años para animarse a entregar un álbum con nuevas composiciones, On A Island (2006). Ninguno de los discos individuales de Waters y Gilmour, aunque aclamados, superaron a alguno de Pink Floyd. Pero esa constatación no los anima a volverse a reunir.

Roger Waters en Pompeya, Octubre de 1971. Imagen del film Pink Floyd Live At Pompeii (1972)

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Now tell me, come on, tell me history doesn't repeat itself.

April 1970: Paul McCartney, criticized for just being himself, breaks up with the Beatles (or gets kicked out by John Lennon, depending on what side you're in) and releases his first solo album, McCartney (Apple, 1970.) On the back cover of the LP, a picture of him holding his first daughter, newborn Mary McCartney. Photo taken by Mary's mom, Linda Eastman McCartney.

September 2006: Tom Cruise, criticized for just being himself, breaks up with Paramount (or gets kicked out by Paramount's CEO, depending on what side you're in) and is featured in a Vanity Fair pictorial (out next tuesday.) On the front cover of the magazine, he is holding his first daughter, newborn Suri, next to Suri's mom, actress Katie Holmes. Picture by Anne Leibovitz.

That would be something... meet you in the pouring rain, mama! tan, tan... tan-tan-tan, tan...

Yeah, I know, I should go to bed soon...

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

These videos will definetly cheer you up if you're having a bad time.

How about some Cheesy Bollywood:

Some Funny Bollywood (Extreme):

And some Classic Bollywood; as a matter of fact, a must-have DVD:

Find the titles and features for yourselves ;). Bollywood is something to be discovered and enjoyed.


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