Not Only Police is getting back together, but David Lee Roth and Van Halen! This time Eddy Van Halen didn't kick the lead singer out but the long time bass player, Michael Anthony, and replaced him with his 15 year old son, Wolfgang. David Lee Roth joins Van Halen after 22 bitter years of insults and criticism. Do you remember them? How about a blast from the past from a 1987 Playboy "20 Question" to Diamond Dave? Let's read it together. Thank goodness I saved some of my Playboy magazines, for the sake of Rock and Roll History! :)

Notice how anger Roth was with the band. I believe it was a matter of exposure. Eddy Van Halen likes to have his name on the band and VH is of course a brand. Roth likes to jump, scream and have a good time, and that overthrows Eddy's attempts of becoming cool. Actually, nobody can be cooler than Roth: The ultimate rock and roll vocalist superstar of the eighties.
A good interview with a great picture. Let's see how long the new VH chapter last.
not too long ... the chapter is been closed AGAIN.
Me gusto mucho tu blog, por ahi que un dia de estos te encuentro en los alrededores.
Proxima aventuras, Rufus Wainwright y Manu Chao.
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