Britney Spears has, for starters, a very cool name, easy to remember and let's say she has charisma. A manipulative mother took her to the Mickey Mouse club (another bubble-maker) and made her a superstar. She even chose who she had to date: another Mouseketeer named Justin Timberlake who eventually got better (come on, that song "Sexy Back" is very cool!) after breaking up with her. They were not "falling out of love" because they never were in love. They were just right for each other but they got bored of the rat race their lovelife became.
Britney started to feel the weight of being famous and things, naturally, happened. Got married once, but the marriage didn't last more than 1 day. Met a dancer named Kevin and married him and under the sanctity of that marriage she had two kids. Then she divorced him after realizing he was just using her. Mrs. Spears was following the sign of the times: When a woman can use a man as an in-house sperm donor and pretend the conversations they're having mean they were in love. It was just another girl from the suburbs who happened to be very, very sexy and very clueless of her surroundings. What was unusual is the immense ammount of fame she got for doing simple things, like hooking up with a boy, or not wearing underwear while hanging out with Paris Hilton.
Notice I didn't talk about her music, or what albums she has released, or how good or bad her production is (it has to be accurate, but not necessarily creative). Britney's life, her own drama is what she gives to us. The most beautiful singer in the world in 2003 and a flop in 2007. Last night at the VMA's she was just not there. She didn't rehearsed at all, moved her body in a clumsy way and turned her critics into wolves who tore her apart like a wounded deer.
I think she wasn't that bad. She looked sexy, like a stripper, pretty much like what Madonna was doing in the early nineties. The song she sang, "Gimme More," (again, it's about me, me, me) is way better than the usual shit I get from the radio nowadays, and it's kinda catchy. She's still an attractive woman, a 25 year old with two kids looking that hot? in the U.S.? Very unusual. She's still a beautiful blonde. But she was being herself and that's what we are expecting of her. It was not a wise or a smart move but her life itself. I forgive this more, way more than that stupid comment she made in 2003 supporting the War in Iraq. Again, the number of supporters is going down and that's a good thing, but that's another story.
Britney, from this outpost I salute you. Artist of the Decade and future member of the Classic Rock elite.
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