December 2nd, 2008
AC/DC is right now, at this moment, the greatest rock and roll band in the world and an institution by itself. It's a band that never let his fans down and they never abandon them. It's a give and take relationship based on Rock And Roll. Loud, eardrum-breaking Rock and Roll. In an ideal musical world, is what a band is supposed to be. The son of the Blues' torch is carried firmly by guitarists Angus and Malcolm Young, bassist Cliff Williams, drummer Phil Rudd and the strong, raunchy but healthy vocals of Brian Johnson.
Again, it's all about Rock and Roll, the music of our lives. And the band doesn't mess around with it. The rhythm section is very simple and sturdy. Hi-hat, bass drum and snare carrying the beat along with a steady bass and a rhythm guitar. on top of that, a loud, distorted guitar playing very simple but punch-in-your-face riffs.
Thanks to Javier Lishner we went to AC/DC's show in Oakland and it wasn't a letdown. We were not expecting this and with this band there are never bad surprises. It's almost like a comfort zone for us and for the rest of the audience. Pretty much like going to church. Almost 35 years in their career and besides the tragic death of their singer Bon Scott in 1980 and the quick replacement with Johnson, no other major events have changed the course of the band's history. Celine Dion could have made a horrible version of "You Shook Me All Night Long" but AC/DC will never cover "Because You Loved Me." Not even play with her nor anybody else. That's called principles.
Like most of AC/DC lyrics in the beginning, there was booze and boobs. Lots of them. Sexy women dressed to kill and one or two with an unstoppable urge to take their tops and flash their ta-tas to the band and to the cameras and cellphones. Alcohol makes you do silly things, specially in an AC/DC concert, girl. The pulsating beat makes your bras itch! After The Answer -an Irish coffee brewed with doses of Slade, Aerosmith and Zeppelin- opened, these girls were no competition to the big inflatable Rosie, riding the Rock and Roll train. The opening video was sexually charged as well: an animation that seemed made by Todd McFarlane showed a train on a collision course to the main city station. On the engine, Angus the devil shoveling coal like a demon while two girls are seducing him. Pretty graphic for some kids that went to the show with their parents, but hey, they will see worse (or better) things online later.

Meet Rosie, who tonight will join you in your dreams.
The best moments of the show? "Whole Lotta Rosie" and "Let There Be Rock," hands down. You can't top these two original Bon Scott songs (both from the Let There album, no less.) Here is when we see Angus enjoying himself at maximum, duck-walking, having a convulsion, and never ever missing a note. He might be playing simple chords, riffs and arpegios, but damn he plays them loud.
The band has always put great shows and this was not the exception. Since 1981 they've been closing their shows with their stop-and-go "For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)" featuring the 21-gun salute to their fans in every city they visit. AC/DC is at this moment the ultimate no-bull Rock act and every major rock artist should learn about their consistency, charisma, vitality and dedication. Bon Scott, down in Hell, must be very proud.
Ok, ok. Here's another cover before you tell me I'm wrong. Chuck Berry's "School Day," available on the Volt CD (a collection of unreleased Scott tracks.)
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